about vetrine

Qualified design teacher holding scissors and showing her interested student the correct way of cutting textile material
This Erasmus+ project seeks to diminish the environmental impact of apparel production through specifically developed vocational education and training modules.

In VETRINE – Vocational Education & Training towards re-inventing apparel procedures – students and learners will be able to access a  specifically developed online Capacity Building Programme at the Bachelor level that will strengthen their knowledge of ecological and social aspects relative to the entire apparel cycle, with varied modules covering knowledge and design of fabrics, garment production, and pilot entrepreneurship.

The three-year VETRINE project will bring together Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), Vocational Education and Training (VET) schools and labour market organizations aiming to establish a model for the information and implementation of green practices into the apparel industry.

These are our objectives:

  • To identify labour market needs and demands under the spectrum of apparel industry by mapping current state of apparel labour market and the level of responsiveness of VET institutions,
  • To develop and implement new learning prospects to give opportunities to future designers to apply green initiatives during the production of apparel products,
  • To establish collaboration pathways between education & labour market by bringing together VET learners with labour-market actors in order for the former to gain realistic overview of the business world,
  • To open up towards new learning opportunities through the practical experience and application of entrepreneurial initiatives,
  • To develop a sense of initiative by introducing European concepts around entrepreneurship,
  • To lead a new era of exploitation of available ICT resources through the creation and launch of a MOOC and a “FashPass application” 
  • To raise awareness of consumers and stakeholders through webinars and events on the project main outcomes.

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VIP Ticket

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