Le projet VETRINE offre une formation professionnelle sur la durabilité et l'esprit d'entreprise aux futurs créateurs de mode.


  • Identifier les besoins du marché du travail dans l’industrie de l’habillement
  • Développer des modules d’apprentissage pour les concepteurs écologiques
  • Établir une collaboration entre l’éducation et le marché du travail
Experienced tailor and her young assistant learning about sewing patterns
  • The VETRINE project will create a custom “capacity building programme” based on the information gathered through the « VETRINE Study », which is one of the early deliverables of the project. The Study

  • To gain insight into what two of VETRINE target groups, namely VET and market linked companies, think about the apparel industry and its sustainability aspects as well as which interests they may have

  • The first face-to-face technical meeting for the VETRINE project was organised on the premises of CITEVE, the leading technical center in Portugal. It gathered nearly all partners of the Consortium fo

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