VETRINE study released as research phase of project progresses

The VETRINE project will create a custom “capacity building programme” based on the information gathered through the « VETRINE Study », which is one of the early deliverables of the project. The Study serves to obtain an accurate and up-to-date picture of the status of processes and actors involved in T&C in connection with their sustainability practices, as well as to gain insight into their direction towards “greener” practices and to use this up-to-date data and insight as the starting point from which to build up content for the capacity building programme. It also aims to raise awareness among stakeholders and to establish the flow of information between VET institutions, HEIs and labour market representatives leading to a more sustainable T&C sector.

The study contains the results of focus groups, a report on raw materials created by KAUNO Technologijos Universitetas (Lithuania), annalysis of Vocational Education and Training (VET) Educational Protocols carried out by partners AEG (Spain), “DIMITAR TALEV” (Bulgaria), CITEVE (Portugal) and EUROTRAINING (Greece), and an analysis of T&C national markets and prospect of applying sustainability concepts which is the result of research by ATP (Portugal), CEDECS-TCBL (France), CHIMAR (Greece), CENTEXBEL (Belgium), PIRINTEX (Bulgaria), TEXFOR (Spain).

Please head to the Resources section of this website to download the VETRINE Study.
